December Thank Yous


Staff Luncheon

We want to say “thank you” to the wonderful people who helped make our Staff Appreciation Luncheon a success.

Thank you to event chair Tina Monroe for creating a beautiful space and organizing a delicious lunch.

Thank you to the following for their contributions, as well: Lisa Nobis, Heidi Isaza, Heather Gutierrez, Jenny Engle Holliday, Christine Brady, Amy Evans, Pauline Chardoul-Sutter, Cara Wass de Czege, Amey Nutter, Ravenna Candy, Natasha Woolfolk, Laetitia Rettori, Jeaneva Perez-Lehmann, Danielle Jones, Patti Johnson, Nicole Turpin, Johanna Wrenholt, Corrie Baffney, Kellie Carpentet, and Alison Pankop

Mission Cantina & Georgetown Brewery Seahawks Viewing Party

Huge thanks to Peter Morse of Mission Cantina and Roger and Susan Bialous of Georgetown Brewing Co. for hosting the 2nd Annual Seahawks Viewing Party Auction Buy In this last weekend. Even though our Seahawks didn’t show up on Sunday that didn’t stop Alki parents from having a great time. Alki PTA is so grateful to generous families and businesses in our community that not only bring in funds for Alki but make lasting memories for all of us. Thank you!



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